PWA Lucha Loyalty
Lucha Loyalty is a community of Aussie pro wrestling fans.
Join the top shelf of pro wrestling fans where members will receive member-only merchandise, access to our exclusive Facebook group and early access to tickets at all our events.
Membership has its privileges
Not sure what to expect from our exclusive membership group? Hereβs a little glimpse.
π₯ Early access to promos & content
π₯ Ticket links and codes
π₯ Exclusive content and matches
π₯ Discussions on upcoming and future events.
The best part? Weβll be building this community alongside our Lucha Loyalists so will be open to hearing your ideas on the content youβve always wanted.
Why have you started Lucha Loyalty?
In 2021, Pro Wrestling Australia (PWA) celebrates our 14th year of pro wrestling!
As we aim to grow our business, we want to give back to all those who helped get us this far. Your membership will directly help grow PWA and Australian Pro Wrestling as a whole. While embracing the fans who got us this far you will be directly assisting to:
Build ongoing partnerships and relationships for Pro Wrestling Australia
Encourage new fans to experience a Black Label show for themselves
Continue to produce the high quality promotional videos and wrestling you know and love
Allow us to explore and grow new avenues to put Australian wrestling in the right light.